Member-only story
Where are The Advocates for Health Care Outside The Hospital
We need to think about this care when we go home.
I just spent the afternoon with my brother-in-law. He had a urologic operation that went fairly well. He is home now and not doing too bad. He got a phone call from his doctor and was told he had to get some further blood work done. He said that he would send the requisition via email.
There was just one problem. He never got any of the emails from his doctor. We think that the doctor had the wrong email address. He should have known since they must have bounced back.
Phoning the doctor was another exercise in futility. They were busy, so they said. Either they were with a patient or already on the phone with someone else. I must have phoned half a dozen times without luck. And they don’t offer a leave a message option.
The lengthy-time listening to how to get in touch was frustrating. They did give an email but didn’t spell it and it didn’t work. The person speaking had English as a second language. I sent off an email but it bounced back.
I will call again tomorrow morning at exactly 9 am and try to get hold of them. I will get the correct email address from them and give them my brother-in-law’s correct email.