Member-only story
This is my Dinner Party
And I won’t cry!
Marilyn Flower has tagged me and I have decided to play. Who would I want to have at my New Year’s Dinner party if I could have anyone a
Well, first I would have my husband. He has never written any fiction other than faking his mother’s signature when he had not such good report cards! It is in his technical writing that he gets a seat at the table. I write from my heart and due to a little dyslexia, I can’t see obvious mistakes, especially if they are mine. His job is to see these mistakes.
You need to understand what a huge concession this is. He is an accomplished Toastmaster but never has understood reading fiction. When he has been assigned a book to read in a class, he simply checks how many pages are in the book, divides it by the amount of days before it must be read, and reads that amount each day. He stops on the assigned page even if he only has a paragraph left on the next page! Can you say left brain?
A husband this devoted deserves a place at the table. He is also a fabulous chef and you can’t go wrong with an extra chef!
The next chair is saved for Lucy Maud Montgomery. While I never read the “Anne” books, I read one of the books she wrote 18 years after the first “Anne” book was published. It was called The Blue Castle and talked about a young woman daring…