Member-only story
The time has come to start living life again.
Time to Fish or Cut Bait!
Today I will be going to a writers group meeting at the main library in my city. I haven’t done that since the beginning of Covid. I am quite excited, as I haven’t presented my work in person and this will allow me to see and read facial expressions.
When I last was at this group meeting I was only halfway through the book. Now there will be mostly a new group of writers and for those that were there before, the book is finished with lots of revisions as you can imagine. I am finishing my query letter and the synopsis and will then send it out to agents.
This meeting will give me a new group of people to decide if they like the start of the book and whether they would continue to read it. Once I finished the book I gave the prologue and first two chapters to 3 people that I trusted and waited with bated breath!
I got the same response from all three. They liked it, they would continue to read it, but they wanted the second chapter to be the first chapter as it was more engaging and exciting even though it did not have the main character in it.
I then ran this plan through my Saturday class. They had a great idea. They said to combine the prologue with most of the second chapter and change it to chapter one. The following…