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Read on Your Time.
This is anytime you want
One of the joys of retiring is the fact that you can read anytime you want. No boss is hovering over you waiting for work to be done. You can wake up reading and continue all-day right up to your bedtime if you choose. There are many ways to read nowadays.
Hardcover books
You can read from a hardcover book. A lot of people like the very idea of having a book in their hands. I confess to being one of those. Having a cup of tea or coffee, my feet up on a hassock, good lighting, and a great book. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Books can be quite expensive and I must confess to either using the public library, a clubhouse donation library, or friends and family’s books.
When I want nonfiction books I used to rely on a book store or Amazon. The only problem with buying these is that they can be out of date so quickly. Frequently Mr. Google works wonders for information.
Online Reading.
Numerous people now read online. There are many kinds of e-readers and although the sales of these e-readers are in sharp decline, those using them love them. This is perfect when on the bus. They are light and can enlarge the printing as you need it. The lighting isn’t so good, just adjust it. Forgot the cheaters, no problem. No more…