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Psilocybin Mushrooms: It’s No Longer Just About Getting High
New research with magic mushrooms for PTSD therapy is under investigation.
Psilocybin mushrooms cause central nervous system as well as auditory and visual hallucinations. These mushrooms have effects similar to LSD.
Physical dependence doesn’t occur, but repeated use can produce tolerance.
A psilocybin trip is neurologically similar to dreaming. This was shown by doing brain imaging.
Toxic Dose
The toxic dose is variable. Toxicity in humans is generally low, and fatalities are extremely rare.
In adults, 4mg of psilocybin produces relaxation and detachment from the environment.
With 6–12mg, perception of space and time alters, and visual effects become prominent. Higher doses cause more vivid and distorted hallucinations.
The onset of effects can be seen as early as 10–30 minutes after ingestion and can last anywhere from 2–6 hours, depending on dose, species, and individual metabolism. In some cases, effects may last 12–24 hours.
Peak psychological effects are seen within 70–90 minutes after oral doses of 8 to 25 mg of psilocybin.