Member-only story
Memories Come Flooding Back, Reminding You of Where You’re From
Memories really are roses in the winter
I read one of my favorite bloggers, John P. Weiss, yesterday. It was on the value of keeping small mementos that bring memories to you.
He is a painter, a cartoonist, and a writer. John weaves stories of his family life, his past working life, and his current life. He took early retirement to be able to focus on his writing and painting.
I love his simple observations of the people around him. Yesterday would have been his father’s 101st birthday. He was going through a box of mementos that belonged to his father.
These things most likely would mean nothing to anyone else but brought beautiful memories to John.
He was fortunate to be raised in a loving home and these little things, like a fountain pen, brought so many memories and good feelings about his father.
I too was raised by loving parents. Were they perfect, of course not, but I always felt loved. When I was a teen I knew that I would be a much better parent, because of course, I knew so much more. Even then I knew how much my parents loved me.